Sunday, July 25, 2010


Wyatt loves chicken and now corn on the cob! The kid eats anything and everything. Lucky for us and for him, so far no allergies!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Visitation from the girlfriend

Even Killer Crawlers have visitation rights....see his girlfriend Betsy came to visit him and he was let out of jail for the evening.

Attack of the Killer Crawler!

No one is safe from the Killer Crawler...not even the Dog! (See why he was in jail?!)

Escape from Baby Island

Uh OH! Looks like someone escaped!

Baby Jail

LET me OUT!!! We bought the baby playyard thingy to keep all his toys contained and away from the dog, and also to keep our crawling monster contained and safe.

Its HOT!

It was so hot and humid today, I gave Wyatt a quick head wash and then filled his mesh thingy with frozen mango slices. Here we are hanging out this afternoon after his nap watching Dad and Chuck play ping pong.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

instead of taking a nap...

Wyatt was talking on the cell phone to his grandma and grandpa and great grandma and great grandpa in Vermont and reading his favorite book....

9 Month Check Up

The doc says Wyatt is doing great. He is essentially perfect. Here are this month's stats: 20 pounds, 12 ounces- 50th percentile for weight, 45cm head circumference- 50 th percentile for head size, and 29 1/4 inches for height, 90th percentile!
We got a tall skinny brainiac! But you all knew that anyways, didn't you? With parents like his, of course he is a brainiac. (oh by the way, he is reading Hop on Pop to himself as I type this. In what language, I could not tell you).
Oh by the way, figured Wyatt's best friend needed a photo op too.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Carousel!

So today we were supposed to go to the beach, but the morning was gray and foggy, so we all (Meredith and Betsy, Zoe and Mya, and Wyatt and me) opted to go to the Carousel Mall. Meredith needed shoes and we had some birthday shopping to do. So for a fun event, we rode the carousel. I got yelled at by the carousel lady cause I was going to sit on the horse with Wyatt in front of me, as I wasn't sure he could stay on, but that is not allowed. So, instead, I held him on the horse. The first few pics are staged as we couldn't get one on the edge for the actual ride.