Yesterday, Jay picked Wyatt up early and came to meet me at the Fair. I was working for DOT at the DOT booth. We then walked around together for about 4 hours. Here are some of the highlights- of course involving tractors, but also goats and a sleepy baby. It was VERY HOT. We were home by 6:15. :) Next year should be more interesting. He'll be running through the crowds! We may have to get him one of those leash things I saw everyone had there.....
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Great New York State Fair
Yesterday, Jay picked Wyatt up early and came to meet me at the Fair. I was working for DOT at the DOT booth. We then walked around together for about 4 hours. Here are some of the highlights- of course involving tractors, but also goats and a sleepy baby. It was VERY HOT. We were home by 6:15. :) Next year should be more interesting. He'll be running through the crowds! We may have to get him one of those leash things I saw everyone had there.....
So Saturday afternoon, we drove out to Buffalo to surprise Jay's mom for her birthday (which is actually today, the 31st). She was definitely surprised! Here is Wyatt eating breakfast while sitting in a chair, all grown up like! And then we went for a swim at his Grandpa's and he met his third cousin Ellery from Colorado, (and his second cousin Judy). Then, we went for a ride on Grandpa Whisker's new boat. It was hot. The puppy got to go too.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Baby Races
After the DOT Picnic, we went to Mike and Carol's for a cornhole tournament. If you don't know what that is, its that game where you through bean bags through a hole in a board on an inclined angle. It involves little skill and much beer. Amazingly, Jay and Jeremy won the tournament, much to Sean, Conner, and Chuck's disappointment. Anyways, while we were there, Wyatt and Bobby raced around the lawn. Wyatt is 3 months older than Bobby, but Bobby kept up pretty well. Enjoy! mostly they kept racing to the beer did their dads....Oh and Wyatt and I went swimming (BRR! Wy didn't care, but I did! Somehow, Jay conveniently forgot his bathing suit....)
Picnic in the Park
Wy Wy and My My
Wyatt's friend Mya came over to play Friday night. They had a blast racing up the stairs. Mya is at a slight advantage as she can walk/run, but Wyatt was right behind her everytime! He can crawl from the bottom to top in just a few minutes! Here are pictures of them taking a break together in the rocking chair in Wy Wy's room.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Off to Waterloo!
So today we drove about an hour west to a birthday party for Parker- he turned 5. It was a fun day. Wyatt got to see Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Sheila and Uncle Justin and Aunt Michelle and got to play with his cousins Jack and Jaysen, and Sawyer got to go too! It was a great day. Enjoy the pictures! (Wyatt got his first tatoo from Aunt Michelle!) It was a messy day though, so bathtime was definitely in order. There are some pictures here to show you his cool slicked back hair do (he thought he was helping mama fold laundry) and even though his head is cut off a bit (no Gram, I did not take the photo- Jay did!, its still a cute photo of him standing up. He is standing and climbing EVERYTHING!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Let me OUT!
The Sign of a Good Babysitter
So Hannah has been babysitting for us a couple times. She lives across the street. After she left tonight (I met Jay for a drink with some friends after they got down mountain biking) I looked into the baby jail and saw all the toys neatly lined up. Good babysitter, or bored babysitter? You decide. I am going with Good.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
All grown up.

Wyatt is getting so big that he is big enough for shoulder rides now. Where did my little baby go? Can you believe he is almost 10 months old?! Happy 10 months Cousin Cheyanne! (Her birthday is October 9th....). Tonight, Saturday, we went to our friend Julie and Erik's house for a BBQ. Man, does Wyatt love BBQ. He ate smoked corn on the cob with a Chipotle butter, smoked pulled pork, and ribs! Oh, and roasted red pepper salad, macaronni salad, smoked beans, and rolls.
Needless to say, he went to bed smelling like BBQ. I think he fell asleep before we got to wash his face.
Just a Swingin'
Our hopping Friday night was filled with a long walk to Barry Park for the dog and some swings for the boy. See Wyatt swing. See Sawyer bark. I am thinking of writing a new and improved Dick and Jane series. what do you think? Not as good quality photo as I keep neglecting to bring the camera, so the photos you see here and in the next post were taken with my crappy 1.3 megapixel phone.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Super Fly Wy
Grandma JoAnne and Grandpa Rick (Wyatt will have to come up with something more creative than that!)came to visit for Grandma JoAnne's birthday. She's 40. :)
They came Thursday night so that they could spend some Quality Wy Time with Wy. He has since been named by Grandpa, Super Fly Wy, as they both have the same fly-away hair. We even got some swimming in at the Button's new pool out in Skaneateles! A good weekend was had by all.
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