Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cole Cousin Chaos at the Cabin

3 of the 5 Colorado cousins were in town this past week......We met up with them at the was definitely a fun time. Here are some photos!

Monday, August 11, 2014

TMNT Weekend!

What a weekend! We painted a part of the house, Grandma Judy took Wyatt school shopping and to the Imax to see TMNT in 3d, and then we all went with Joanna and Jeremy to watch the Sky Chiefs cause it was TMNT Day...Jay and Wyatt ran the bases....Enjoy the photos!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kat's Bridal Shower

This past Friday we traveled for 7 (YES 7!!!) hours to VT. We made a few stops, did some shopping, the boys did a quick hike, but finally made it to Braintree. Friday night we had a lovely little yucka ? party for my mom's birthday. Some of us survived it better than others, but that is not a story for the blog. Wouldn't want to post any incriminating stories for the children to read later. Anyhoo... Saturday afternoon we had a small bridal shower for Kat, who is marrying my brother next month. Saturday night was not quite as rambunctious, but was a nice time as well. Sunday morning we headed home and finally got here around 5. Not too much to report but some cute photos. Spoiler alert: not many photos of Wyatt cause he was running around with his cousins so much I couldn't find him!