Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Great New York State Fair 2013

Wyatt had a great weekend. In fact, he is still recovering at 3:47pm on Sunday as I type this. Nah, he wasn't tired. Nope. He told me he wasn't. Well he has been sound asleep since 2.
Larry, Jody, Connor, Ella and Ethan all drove out this weekend to go to the fair. They arrived shortly after 2pm on Saturday and I thought for sure we weren't going to be able to enjoy the Fair for too long, just given the fact that they would all melt down around 8 or so. I got really cranky trying to find a parking spot, but once in the Fair, all was forgotten. Anyways, we were at the fair for 7 hours! We arrived back home at 10! And no melt downs!!!! Amazing what maple cotton candy and 75 degree weather and lots of rides can do for you. We still need to work on Ethan being ok with not winning something at the games.....they had Purple Minions you know, but in order to win one, you had to keep trading up and up and I heard one carney say it was the 7th trade $3.00 a game....that damn purple minion would have been worth at least $21, assuming one won the game each time....which is IMPOSSIBLE! Anyways, aside from the games, or lack of them, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Wyatt did get sick of looking at cows though....but we explained to him that Larry had to have his Fair fun too. ;) The pictures aren't that great- I was busy corralling a 4 and 6 year old and making sure I had 20 eyes.

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