Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gingerbread House

Today Wyatt, Jay, and I built gingerbread houses out of graham crackers... or the crackers with the honey as Wyatt refers to them (the photo on the box shows honey and Wyatt LOVES honey!). Betsy came over as we were decorating, so she helped finish off the houses! There is even a garage for the

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Scramble

This morning wyatt and I went to the Erie Canal Museum to see the Canterino Family's Gingerbread House. It was their first year entering and they won 3rd place! Way to go Canterinos! After that, Wyatt and I went to the Zoo to meet up with Meredith and Betsy, and who else walked in, but Kyle and his grandparents from across the street. They were going to Breakfast with Santa, we were just tagging along as the Austin's guests on their zoo membership. Wyatt and Betsy were in full throttle running from one exhibit to the other -and I do mean RUNNING! I was that mom that kept yelling down the hall "WYATT SLOW DOWN!" I think I may be in trouble...... Here are some photos. The kids all got reindeer antlers.....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Tree getting

We went and got our Christmas tree today.Someone had a hissy fit because we required him to wear the big bird yellow coat and not the elmo red one. it was too cold for Elmo red. We then decorated the tree. Here are photos! we went with a narrow frasier fir so we didn't take up as much room this year.

Saturday morning with Boppy

Boppy came over for a little while this morning. Every time these two get together here, they end up under a blanket. Please let this phase pass before they get to be teenagers.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


so here is a photo of Wyatt helping Joanna wash dishes Thanksgiving Day.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was great. Joanna and Shirley and Judy and Michael came over and we had a relaxing wonderful day. I wasn't even cranky or stressed! Go figure! So after a beautiful weekend, and a birthday, oh and enjoying our new tv...we are all back to work. Blah. Here are some photos of the event though! Oh and we went to the MOST (see if you can find Wyatt and Jay) and we attempted to watch the Christmas tree get lit up, but that was taking too long so we left...oh and Wyatt helped Joanna wash in next post.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Dead Deer!

Jay got a deer this weekend! yay! It was very exciting and very exhausting. A lot of work to butcher and process the deer. Wyatt thought it was very interesting, but slept through most of the gruesome butchering part thankfully. Here are some photos.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Trip to Pennsylvania

Wyatt went on his first trip to Pennsylvania on Monday. We left at 5:10 am and got to Newtown Square at 9:45 or so Monday morning. Wyatt and I hung out there for a little while and met Jay's coworkers and Rosemary and then we went to our friend Josh and Candace's house in Ambler. Wyatt played with 4 year old Ella and we had lunch there. Then Wyatt and I went to Trader Joe's and Ikea, then went back to pick up Jay at work. We checked into the hotel, then drove to Geoff and Laura's house where Wyatt got to see some deer heads on the wall, eat some pizza, and watch Bambi. Not to mention get a ton of presents! Thanks Laura! Mommy got to drink 2 cosmos. Yay! We returned to the hotel and Wyatt slept ok, but not great. Tuesday morning, Wyatt and I drove to New Jersey to meet Aunt Midge and my cousin Lisa and her little girl Lyla. We then went to Lisa's for lunch and hung out with Lyla, and the 5 year old twins, Anna and Garrett. We left right after Reed got home from school. We had a great time. Then we went to Victory where Wyatt had chocolate milk and chocolate ice cream and surprised Jay with his new Toy Story light up shoes. Wednesday morning, Wyatt and I went shopping in Delaware (no taxes) and then went to TCA where I used to work in West Chester. We got Philly pretzels and then went to pick Jay up and came home.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wyatt's Best Buddy Boppy

Tonight we watched Betsy for a little while. We had a great time. It was bath night for Wyatt and it turns out it was bath night for Betsy too, so I couldn't resist. They will probably kill me later on when they are teenagers. They also had some cuddle time in the tent.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Fun

What a beautiful and busy weekend. We got a lot done. Including leaf raking and building the porch back up again. When it is complete, I will post photos. In the meantime, here is a photo of Wyatt looking for bugs. He was supposed to be helping me rake. Its so hard to get good help these days. :) Oh alright, here is one of him trying to rake too.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This evening, Jay took Wyatt trick or treating and they went around the entire block. Jay taught him how to say Trick or Treat and he almost had it. By the time it was my turn to go around the next block, Wyatt was off and running and loving it! He would say "Dat House!" and "Ghost!" and one time we saw a pumpkin carved like Minnie Mouse - I didn't even see it but wyatt yelled "The MOuse!" so we had to go to that house. I was going to walk right on by. He was super polite and said Thank you to everyone and took one piece of candy only- he never tried to take more than one and always picked which one he wanted. He would then put it into his bag, turn around and go "Dat House!" and point to the next one. Tomorrow's walk should be interesting.....

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jack O Lanterns!

After an extremely busy Sunday, Jay and Wyatt carved a "Bider" together. Wyatt and I had carved 3 already, but none as intricate as the spider. We also played in some leaves and went swinging this afternoon.


We went to Mark and Meredith's for a halloween get together last night. Wyatt choked on a pretzel while dancing and proceeded to vomit all over Jay. They are both fine. Wyatt wore his cookie monster costume to the party and immediately took it off upon entering the door, so luckily he didn't puke all over that. Here are the best photos I could camera is unhealthy and no longer takes adequate indoor shots. Oh and here is one of him earlier in the day modeling his cute Gap shirt that Mitchell picked out for Mya to send to Wyatt for his birthday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


so tonight, Liz and Baby Mary came over for a visit, a little wine, and some nachos. Mary of course only drank milk. Wyatt was super cute with her and liked touching her feet and toes. Here is a picture of Mary in her cute little pink skeleton costume.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Carol Baldwin's Race for your Life

This morning, Judy, Michael, Sawyer, Wyatt and I went to watch Chris run a 5K for breast cancer. She has been practicing running all summer. Here is Chris and some photos of Wyatt and us at Thornden Park today. Great Job Chris!