Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wandering the Woods

This morning, I actually got to sleep in...until we realized it was only 6:58 and not 7:58. Does anyone know how long it has been since I actually slept past 7 am???? AT LEAST 4.5 YEARS!!! And it's not going to get any better!
Anyways, after some partially homemade waffles and bacon, we piled into the truck. It was 30 degrees out and cold. At this point, it was 9:13. We got to Todd's property and Jay proceeded to fill the truck with our last load of firewood. Wyatt, Sawyer and I started off exploring the woods. It was hilly and exhausting. Wyatt and Sawyer left me in the dust. Enjoy the photos! Some are of a very cold little boy who just didn't want to have his photo taken with the last load of wood for the year.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Our little Helper

Wyatt is getting so big and helpful! Here are photos of him helping me paint Muffin's dresser- it was my grandfather's, but we are giving it a little makeover for a little girl. Wyatt helped pick out the colors, knowing full well that purple was mommy's favorite color. Muffin will probably like pink. :) The next photos are of Wyatt helping Daddy unload wood and stack it. He really enjoys helping Jay do this. I think the wheelbarrow rides might help.