Sunday, January 29, 2012

Elmo Red

The title has nothing to do with this post. Its just what Wyatt thought we should call it. Grandma and Papa Tractor came to visit this weekend so we went to the MOST. Wyatt had a blast. The photo was just the only one I took this weekend and it was such an interesting shot....the flash and the camera just made a really weird effect. We are currently watching Garfield, but he really wants to watch Buzz and Woody. Oh and Grandma Judy, sorry, we didn't get a photo of the woody sheets. You'll just have to see them for yourself next weekend.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A new One!

Wyatt's favorite phrase is now "A new one?" whenever he sees something new, like a new gallon of milk, juice, box of vitamins, toothpaste, etc. But what was really exciting, was watching his daddy put together a new one- a new BED! The mattress we don't get until tomorrow, but he insisted on sleeping in the new one tonight, so we put the crib mattress in and surrounded him with pillows and blankets. He was sooo excited!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Camera shy

Someone is getting camera shy on me. This is what I get everytime I try to take his photo these days. So here is a photo of the beehive Jay is building for me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wyatt and Woody

Wyatt insists of watching Woody and Buzz every night before he goes to bed. He even has a Woody hat to watch the DVD in.

SNOW! and now its gone....

We finally got snow, but after today's warm weather, it's almost all gone. What a bummer. Here are some photos of Wyatt and Sawyer in the snow the other day, Saturday. Wyatt loves the snow and the cold doesn't seem to bother him as long as he has his mittens on!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


For Christmas this year, we got a membership to the zoo. So we took our friend Karen and her kids, Vienna and Rowan on Saturday morning. Here is a picture of Vienna and Wyatt on the elephant statue.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


The only movies Wyatt likes to watch are Toy Story. No real preference to 1, 2, or 3, but when Jay tried to show him Cars, he just kept saying "I don't want this" and asked for BuzznVoody. Here is a photo of the happy toddler getting his way this evening.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

Sorry everyone for the delay. Wyatt had a great Christmas and got tons of great stuff, including Toy Story 1 and 2, which we have to watch some of every night. I am soon going to have these movies memorized. Good thing that they are so great. Here are some photos of Christmas morning.Oh and Christmas Eve evening, playing basketball with Jonah.