Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gingerbread House

Today Wyatt, Jay, and I built gingerbread houses out of graham crackers... or the crackers with the honey as Wyatt refers to them (the photo on the box shows honey and Wyatt LOVES honey!). Betsy came over as we were decorating, so she helped finish off the houses! There is even a garage for the

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Scramble

This morning wyatt and I went to the Erie Canal Museum to see the Canterino Family's Gingerbread House. It was their first year entering and they won 3rd place! Way to go Canterinos! After that, Wyatt and I went to the Zoo to meet up with Meredith and Betsy, and who else walked in, but Kyle and his grandparents from across the street. They were going to Breakfast with Santa, we were just tagging along as the Austin's guests on their zoo membership. Wyatt and Betsy were in full throttle running from one exhibit to the other -and I do mean RUNNING! I was that mom that kept yelling down the hall "WYATT SLOW DOWN!" I think I may be in trouble...... Here are some photos. The kids all got reindeer antlers.....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Tree getting

We went and got our Christmas tree today.Someone had a hissy fit because we required him to wear the big bird yellow coat and not the elmo red one. it was too cold for Elmo red. We then decorated the tree. Here are photos! we went with a narrow frasier fir so we didn't take up as much room this year.

Saturday morning with Boppy

Boppy came over for a little while this morning. Every time these two get together here, they end up under a blanket. Please let this phase pass before they get to be teenagers.